AppEven Profile Installation Failed Error Fix

App-Even, a new third-party installer, has been developed to fill the void created by the growing absence of jailbreaks. With the release of iOS 10 and 11, Apple has enhanced security features that have made it difficult to install jailbreaks and subsequently use Cydia. But with App-Even, it has become easier to experience a plethora of modified apps and tweaks that come with it, and that too without the need to jailbreak the device.
Image: Profile Installation Error Fix

appeven error fix

App-Even is undoubtedly acting as a panacea for all apps lovers and is extremely safe to use. But one error that keeps on occurring while using it on your phone is the Revocation of Certificate.

Since App-Even is not downloaded using the official Appstore, Apple considers it unofficial and revokes the certificate to use it on your phone every 7 days. As a result, the App-Even and other apps and features you might have installed using it also keep on crashing. One solution is to re-install App-Even. But that is a cumbersome process and difficult to keep on repeating,

How to Fix AppEven Error:

However, few other solutions fix this revoking error permanently, and you can enjoy using App-Even uninterrupted. They are listed as follows:

  • Anti-Revoke: Installing Anti-Revoke can prevent Apple from revoking the certificate to run App-Even on your device. It is a certificate that provides you with unlimited access to third-party apps. It puts a VPN on your device and works in the background to block any Apple revocation attempts. But one thing to note is this tool only works on the third-party apps that are already installed on your device while installing Anti-revoke. Thus, make sure to install all the apps that you would want before installing Anti-Revoke. Any new apps added after that will not be protected by Anti-Revoke. Anti-Revoke has been made compatible to run with iOS 11 users as well. So now, both the iOS 10 and iOS 11 users can use it on their devices.
  • NessTool: Another such tool that runs on the same lines as Anti-Revoke is NessTool. It can also be installed to prevent any revocation of Apple’s certificate attempts and thus let you enjoy the uninterrupted experience of App-Even.

Sometimes, the error “Untrusted Enterprise Developer” might show on your device while running App-Even. This error can easily be tackled by making certain changes in the Settings of your device. Follow these steps to make changes to fix this error.

1. The error message that appears will show a company name. Make a note of this company name for later use.

2. Go to Settings>General>Profile>Device Management.

3. Find the company name you noted in Step 1 and select it.

4. Tap on Trust and then select Done.

5. Come out of Settings and open AppEven. The error will not show now.

App-Even is a great app that opens the door to plenty of exciting apps, tweaks, and themes. You can easily make use of these few tools and continue experiencing the awesomeness of App-Even. Follow the Facebook page of our site to get updates.

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